Saddle Repair
"Bob Hickman" being a saddle maker since 1985 teaches his knowledge in saddle fitting seminars. An hour (or) two seminar covering the mechanics and function of saddles, interspersed with hands-on application of that information. Participants get experience evaluating saddle fit on a variety of horses including their own. (Depending on the number of participants.)
Reline sheep skin:
Stirrup leather replace:
Saddle strings-all 6 of them
Horn stitching:
Cleaning and oiling:
Blevins buckles:
Hobble straps:
On side latigo:
Off side billet:
Off side 1/2 breed:
Pulling collar dees up high:
Rear billets:
Replace broken tree:
Back cinch:
Back cinch:
Back cinch:
$45.00 each-heavy duty
$750.00 and up
2" heavy duty/$65.00
3" heavy duty/$85.00
4" heavy duty/$115.00. Light duty available